The Queen knows a thing or two about longevity. She has sat on the throne for 70 years and remains in good health at the grand old age of 96.
How has she done it? I’ve taken a speculative, playful look into the ‘day in the life’ of Queen Elizabeth II to bring you her secrets of health and wellbeing.
Our Monarch begins her day with a yawn and a stretch before a member of staff comes in with a glass of water and sweeps open the curtains. Natural light floods the room, thus kickstarting Her Majesty’s circadian rhythm.
The Queen swings her legs out of bed and does some gentle shaking, which awakens her body, and drinks the water. After a protein-rich breakfast, she drinks her last coffee of the day by 10am, as she knows this will protect her sleep, and takes a look at the order of business.
A tough conversation with a family member is the first task – Her Maj likes to ‘eat the frog’ at the start of the day. A look ahead to the rest of the day reveals a busy schedule so Queenie requests that 5-minute breaks are inserted into the calendar.
After the thorny conversation is over, HM goes to the balcony and does some breathing exercises with her regal face absorbing the natural light. She reaches down and touches her toes 5 times, which she likes to call her movement snacks, and returns to her rooms to hydrate and refocus.
Lunch for our Queen is a mixture of protein and carbohydrates, as she does like to watch her blood sugars. Not so long ago the Queen would order a jacket potato, but she finds this elevates her blood sugars, and simply can’t bear the afternoon slump. No, that won’t do.
A call with a global leader takes place mid-afternoon, and the Queen takes all such calls standing up whilst gently pacing the room. Her general rule is to stand as a default during work, with occasional moments of sitting. She attributes much of her energy to this practice.
As the day progresses, Her Majesty starts to slow down. She puts all her important papers away but takes a few minutes to compile a to-do list with her Private Secretary so she can hit the ground running tomorrow. Her Secretary – Eddie – lights her a fire and dims the lights in the room to limit Her Majesty’s exposure to blue light. Bright light at night is a royal pain and sleep is paramount to a long rein and is, therefore, a non-negotiable for the Queen!
At the end of a long day, the Queen meditates to allow her nervous system to wind down. She drops her feet into an electric foot massager (another non-negotiable for Her Maj, and quite possibly the best thing she’s seen in the Argos catalogue) and reflects on another good day. She slips into a deep, restorative sleep, grateful for everything life has given her.
And THAT’s how you get longevity in life, business, work and play. Simple habits, done consistently over time = a profound impact on your health and wellbeing.
What are YOUR non-negotiables for a long and happy life?